Where the news comes together

I’ll have fries on that news item. Thanks to WESA-FM’s Kiley Koscinski for the great quote to explain how The Confluence both adds to the station’s news offerings – and does so in a uniquely Pittsburgh way: “We’re the French fries on top of the newsroom salad.” My latest column for NEXTpittsburgh

Behind the scenes: One of those great moments when a former colleague, Megan Harris, is mentoring a soon-to-be former student, Mick Stinelli.

Prognosis for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Hope for a cure

I ran into these guild members protesting John Robinson Block and the Post-Gazette outside of the Omni William Penn Hotel. The one on the left is my former graduate assistant, Ashley Murray.

Publisher John Robinson Block stopped short of saying the Post-Gazette is on life support, but he did compare the newspaper to a sick patient waiting for a cure. My latest NEXTpittsburgh column looks at the publisher’s comments for the present and future: https://www.nextpittsburgh.com/latest-news/on-media-like-a-sick-patient-post-gazette-holding-out-for-a-cure-publisher-says/.